Stamina Progress Bar

Designing the Stamina Progress Bar was the same process of the HP Progress Bar. The player stamina is the player characters meter that allows them to use the sprint mechanic. Since our player character is a bot I decided to create this progress bar as a sort of fluid that the bot picks up and stores on their person. I wanted to keep the colors bright when it came to the progress bar, similar to the hp bar so the player knows it is important to keep track of. I also made the location of this bar right under the HP bar to further show the significance.

The stamina progress bar works exactly the same as the players hp progress bar. A reference to the player character is created and the stamina value on the player character blueprint is pulled and divided by 100 to get the percentage of the progress bar. Within this widget function there are also events tied to a low stamina notification and a no stamina notification. These notifications are triggered when the player is at 25% stamina and 0% stamina. Within these events the HUD element will display on the screen and check for certain values. If the player character has 25% or less stamina in their meter it will display the notification and play the flashing animation. Every time the stamina meter changes in value this code will check to see if the stamina meter is greater than 0% and less than or equal to 25% and adjust the display accordingly. This functions the same was as the no stamina notification.


HP Progress Bar


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